User Guide
Select issues
Use JQL to find and select your issues
Select a bulk operation
On the next screen you can choose one of the operations to start Bulk Linker Wizard.
Operation #1 : Bulk link issues
This operation allows you to link all selected issues to one or multiple issues.
Simply choose the link type and the remote issue(s) to be linked with current selection.
Link types should be read "Issues (from first step) [link type] selected issue(s)".
In other words, the issues from the first step are the "source" of the link and the chosen issue(s) in this step will be the "destination".
The final step is a confirmation screen to sum-up the upcoming bulk action :
Operation #2 : Bulk update link type
This operation will change all links from selected issues in the first step to a new link type (e.g. "duplicates" to "clones").
Operation #3 : Bulk unlink issues
This operation allows you to bulk remove Issue links.
Simply pick the link type you want to remove
Issue links will be removed from source and destination issues
Operation #4 : Bulk weblink issues
This operations allows you to link a web page (remote link) to multiple issues.
You just have to input a link name to be displayed in Jira issues (e.g. "Customer Landing Page") and a URL. The link will be then be created on all issues.
What happens if the destination issue for my links is part of the selection?
All issues will be linked with that one with the exception of that issue itself. Self-linking is therefore skipped automatically.
Summary page is empty?
If your summary page doesn’t display a success or an error message then no bulk operation was compatible with the selection you have made.