User Guide

User Guide

In this page :



Group Ambassadors is a group management delegation app. It allows Jira administrators to nominate group ambassadors who are able to locally manage groups within Jira, without being given administrative privileges.

Here are a few definitions and some vocabulary as used in this guide:

  • Ambassador: an ambassador is a group manager who is not an administrator of Jira.

  • Nested groups: Nested groups is a feature offered in some user directories in Jira (e.g. the embedded crowd directory) which allows groups to contains user and groups as members. This is useful for permissions inheritance. (Learn more about Nested Groups.)

  • Indirect member(s): indirect membership of groups happens when nested groups are enabled. An indirect member is someone who is not a direct member of a group but inheriting the membership from a subgroup. For instance, if a group called "IT Department" contains many subgroups, one of which being called "DevOps", all members of DevOps will be indirect members of "IT Department".

Browsing your groups

Group Ambassadors allows you to browse the groups you're member of.
In order to check who are the other members of one of your groups, you can click on your profile and choose the "Manage my groups" option:

You will be redirected to the group management module, from which you will be able to choose one of the groups you're member of using the "View" link:

If you are a group Ambassador, you can browse and manage users in the group. The action offered will therefore be "Manage" instead of "View".

The list of all members will be displayed paginated.

Each page will contain 25 users and you can navigate between pages using the links at the bottom of the page: the arrow will take you to either next or previous page where the numbers will take you directly to the corresponding page number.

If User Groups is enabled, a new group icon will follow every user name. Clicking on that icon will display a window where all groups for this user are displayed to help you building the right profile!

Browsing Users Groups

Since version 1.8.3, and if Users Group setting is enabled, a new "Group Membership Explorer" button will be available on your group management module.

Using this module will allow you to choose a user:

And then, display all his/her groups! That way, no more need to switch between screens to make the perfect user profile!

Displaying Group Usage

From the group management module you can click on "View group usage" for any group you're member of. That page will display how the group is used in project (i.e. associated with Roles) in the instance:

Managing a group

If you are an Ambassador for the group you're browsing, you will have a few more options: adding and removing users.

Adding a user to the group

You can use the top section of the page to start typing a user name, then use the "Add" button to save and add the user to the group:

You will receive a notification and the user list will be updated once the user is successfully added:

Removing a group member

You can use the "Remove from group" action to remove a user from a group. A notification will confirm the removal have been done:

Exporting Users list

You can export the list of users in a group you're managing. All information on screen will be exported in one of those two formats:

  • CSV/Excel (UTF-8): This format is Comma Separated Value which is raw data and usually imported and used with Excel or technical tools.

  • HTML: A more visual view in a simple webpage (we know it's ugly now, we're working on a brand new view  )

Nominating Ambassadors

If Super Ambassadors feature is enabled, you can nominate other Ambassadors for the groups you're Ambassador of.
To do so, simply click on the "Nominate Ambassadors" link in the Group Browser:

A popup will show and you can nominate one or multiple Ambassadors by typing their name, username or email.

Checking who else is Ambassador

As an Ambassador, you can also check who else is Ambassador for a group by clicking on the "?" icon near the group name in the Group Browser:

Audit Logs Notice

Please note that all actions taken by Ambassadors are tracked in Jira's Audit Log.
those actions might also be tracked in Group ambassadors logs.

Jira administrators will be able to follow actions from the log for security reasons.