Configuration - Global Settings

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Click on Jira Settings and choose “Add and manage Jira marketplace apps”.

Click on Group Ambassadors from the left panel and navigate to Settings.

API token

An admin who can manage users needs to generate and provide an Atlassian API token that will be stored in atlassian’s storage, in order to make the necessary API calls to grant ambassadors the privilege of adding and/or removing users from groups they are ambassadors of .

Manage your API tokens

Group Browsing

Using that toggle button you can choose to enable/disable Group Browsing globally

Disabling this option means no user will be able to view any of his/her groups, except of ambassadors that can manage their delegated groups.


Extended Browsing

Using that toggle button you can choose to enable/disable listing of groups users are member of but not allowed to browse

Users may not be able to browse a group because it's globally disabled or through a specific policy.

This option is dependent on Group Browsing

Super Ambassadors

Using that toggle button you can choose to enable/disable Super Ambassadors feature which allows Ambassadors of a group to nominate Ambassadors for that group by themselves.

Please note that Ambassadors (non administrators) can't revoke an Ambassador privilege, they'll have to request it to admins, except if Extended Super Ambassador (below) is enabled!


Extended Super Ambassadors

Using that toggle button you can choose to enable/disable Extended Super Ambassadors feature which allows Ambassadors of a group to revoke Ambassador privileges to any Ambassador of that group by themselves.